10 ways AECI is shaping “better food systems” for “a better world”

In AECI’s first-ever focused Sustainability Report published earlier this year, we formalised our commitment to shaping “a better world” through our wide-ranging products and services as well as our processes and systems in four business categories namely Mining, Water, Agri Health and Chemicals. All our objectives and strategies are aligned to carefully selected United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and include clearly defined measures of progress and success. The five SDGs that form the basis of our approach are:

  • SDG 2 Zero hunger
  • SDG 2 Zero hunger
  • SDG 8 Decent work and economic growth
  • SDG 12 Responsible production and consumption
  • SDG 13 Climate action

The theme for this year’s World Food Day is “Our actions are our future – better production, better nutrition, a better environment and a better life”. According to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organisation, whose founding in 1945 is the raison d’être for World Food Day, the food we choose and consume has significant consequences for the well-being of our bodies and world.

UN Secretary-General, António Guterres, recently convened the very first Food Systems Summit to launch bold new strategies to change the way we produce and consume food. To show our support, here are just 10 things we are doing to improve access to good quality food for all.

01. Khula! app

AECI acquired an equity investment in the Khula! app which helps approximately 5,500 emerging farmers grow and sell their produce commercially. The app ecosystem includes three functions: 

  • Input Marketplace - emerging farmers buy more than 5,000 products from leading national and international suppliers at competitive prices. These products are collected from an AECI Plant Health depot near them or delivered directly to their farms. There is also access to advisory services and spray programmes

  • Funder Dashboard - funders allocate grants and/or loans to selected emerging farmers, depositing funds in the Khula! app for drawdown

  • Fresh Produce Marketplace - emerging farmers sell their produce to major markets and supply chains such as hotels, restaurants and shops

02. AgroScout 

AgroScout drones collect high-resolution images from the farmer’s fields and the built-in algorithm detects diseases and pests, indicating their intensity and locations. Farmers adjust their spray programmes accordingly, reducing the cost and use of chemicals. This technology was tested on South Africa’s West Coast at the beginning of 2021 and is in the process of being rolled out to the Free State and KwaZulu-Natal. Potato farmers are the primary target for now. 

03. DrapeNet

Developed in Australia 15 years ago, DrapeNet decreases cross-variety pollination, protects against hail, reduces sunburn damage, saves irrigation water and much more! Previously, Southern Cape farmers suffered huge financial losses from fruit damage and now this cost-effective system is protecting their high-value tree crops. 

04. Empty container system 

After receiving the necessary approvals from the Environmental Affairs Department in Malawi, AECI constructed an empty container management facility to treat empty chemical containers. An independent third party certifies that the hazardous effluent/waste is safe for use in recycling processes for non-human use. This is helping our business in the country become “plastics neutral” in the future. 

05. Crop advisors 

A network of 184 AECI-accredited crop advisors serve South Africa’s farmers with advice and product support in the interests of delivering nutritious, safe food all year round. All aspects of farming – from pest control to soil health – are covered. 

06. Reduced sugar drinks 

To improve sensory profiles, lower the risk of metabolic disorders and maintain great tasting products, AECI supplies innovative sweeteners for fruit juices that contribute to consumers’ daily requirements for natural fibre and vitamins. 

07. Fortified, healthier foods and beverages 

Some of our innovative food solutions are: 

  • Collagen protein for bone and joint health

  • Plant protein as an alternative source of protein 

  • Prebiotic fibre for gut health and immunity 

Some of our innovative beverage solutions are: 

  • Botanical extracts that boost cognitive performance and natural energy

  • Fermented juices for gut health and immunity 

  • Fruit and vegetable juices that enhance the nutrient density of beverages for healthy on-the-go meal replacements 

08. Value-for-money nutritional solutions

Through culture technology, AECI offers solutions for the manufacture of low-cost, value-for-money products such as amasi and mageu as well as baked goods and proteins. 

09. Reduced food waste 

AECI initiated bio-preservation bacterial culture technology at key dairy producers in South Africa that benefit consumers in three ways:

  • Extended shelf life of dairy products without artificial preservatives 

  • Naturally-improved consistency and quality of dairy products 

  • Security of quality throughout the value chain 

10. Greener distribution systems

AECI is the first in Africa to offer the eco-friendly, globally patented Mega-Inliner® supply chain system. Very simply, Mega-Inliner® includes a bag and a tank container. The bag is placed in the empty tank container for filling with any non-hazardous liquids. The bag is 100% recyclable. Since all the liquid goes in the bag, the tank container stays clean with no wear and tear. The need for cleaning chemicals, facilities and personnel is removed. No cleaning means that there are significant water savings. Without Mega-Inliner®, approximately 2,000ℓ of water are used to clean a single tank container. With Mega-Inliner®, up to five billion litres of water could be saved around the world every year. This is enough water for 300,000 people in Africa annually!

For more on how AECI is shaping “a better world”, go to www.aeciworld.com/sustainability


Health and Safetyround-up


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